CDC - Notifications
Introduction of Four-Year UG degree program (Dated 2025-03-06)
Status of Affiliation and Submission of Application for Affiliation (Dated 2024-07-25)
Extension of Provisional Affiliation (Academic Session 2024-25) (Dated 2023-12-20)
Fess payable by Affiliated Colleges (Dated 2023-07-26)
Extension of Provisional Affiliation (Academic Session 2023-24) (Dated 2022-12-17)
Revised criteria for provisional affiliation of a new college/institution (Dated 2021-12-18)
Extension of Provisional Affiliation (Academic Session 2022-23) (Dated 2021-12-17)
Regulation for introduction of PG programme, 2021 (Dated 2021-12-17)
Regulation for Granting of Permanent Affiliation (Non-Professional) 2021 (Dated 2021-09-23)
UGC notification on Implementation of Reservation Policy (Dated 2021-02-05)
Notification dated 2020-02-14 - Patkai Christian College - new programme of the college reg.
Notification date 2020-02-14 - St.Joseph's College - new programme of the college reg.
Submission of Application for Extension of Provisional Affiliation (Dt. 02-12-2019)
Revised Admission Criteria (as on Jan, 2019)
Affiliation Notification(as on Jan 2019)
Affiliation Notification(as on Jan 2018)
Workshop for non-accredited colleges on quality assurance in higher education - report (Dt. 31-03-2015)