Nagaland University
Notification dated 13-02-2024
Notification dated 20-03-2024
Notification dated 13-04-2023
Notification dated 17-10-2022
Notification dated 30-03-2022
Notification dated 10-02-2021
RTI Applications Received And Disposed During 2019-2020
Suo Motu Disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005
Notification dated 07-11-2019
Notification dated 25-10-2019
Notification dated 15-10-2019
Reservation Roster
List of Teaching Staff
List of Non-Teaching Staff
Officers under RTI Act (Current CPIOs & FAAs)
Officers under RTI Act (Earlier CPIOs & FAAs)
RTI Training for CPIOs, FAAs, etc
External site: